Services and solutions

The solution we offer:

ISMA services has developed a product that monitors your facility in real-time. Our solution sends data from the facility to our app, which notifies the owner of the facility if there are errors in the form of error notifications and alarms in the app..

24/7 Online remote monitoring

Our solution is connected to the internet, allowing for continuous monitoring of your facility 24/7.

Software as a Service (SaaS)

Our solution enables companies to streamline their monitoring of sprinkler systems.

Software updates

Software updates for the app and IoT chip are conducted remotely. The customer doesn’t need to take any action.


Our security and compliance solutions ensure that our customers’ data is protected and that they meet regulatory requirements.


The solution generates automatic PDF reports that can be downloaded via the app. Raw data is stored on the server.

App setup

The customer sets their own threshold values ​​for each measurement point, thus determining the alarm values ​​and notifications.


Usecase – Test client

Test data, alarms, and reports:

During the test period, we received alarms every time the owner of the facility conducted their weekly shutdown test. We obtained real-time measurements, and based on them, we were able to generate automatic reports. Below is a link to the automatically generated report.
The reports indicated that the test customer had a leak in their system.


Installationen hos en test kunde:

The installation of 6 sensors itself took about 8 hours, and the installation of the IoT box took 1 hour. The IoT box was connected to the internet. The customer’s system was restarted. After that, we started receiving measurements from the individual sensors both on the server and in the app..